Abstract submission

Key dates

Abstract submission deadline: 05.06.2017 15.06.2017
Authors notification: 15.06.2017 25.06.2017
Early registration deadline: 30.06.2017 15.07.2017
Late poster submission deadline: 31.08.2017
Late registration deadline: 05.09.2017
Conference: 27-29.09.2017

For authors

  • Poster presentations

Poster session, scheduled for the first day of the conference will be displayed on the terrace of Uniejow castle. Presenters will benefit from the interactive critique, suggestions, and encouragement from colleagues working in bioinformatics. A panel of senior researchers will review presented posters, with one prize winner selected. Each poster should have the form of a printed single large sheet of paper/plastic with a maximum format of A0, portrait orientation.

  • Oral presentations

Conference sessions will take place in the main hall of Uniejow castle. A panel of senior researchers will review all talks presented by young researchers, with one prize winner selected. Each presentation should fit within the designated time span, that is 20 minutes including 5 minutes for audience questions for regular presentations selected from abstracts. Thus, the speakers are kindly asked to limit their presentations to key issues with a brief summary.

All participants must register and pay the appropriate registration fee. Travel and hotel costs are the responsibility of attendees. Presenters of talks and posters accepted in the first round of submission should register by July 15 (early registration deadline). Authors of late posters are asked to register within two weeks after receiving the decision letter.