PTBI Awards


The following awards will be presented at the X Symposium of the Polish Bioinformatics Society:

  • Best PhD Thesis Award

In the first half of 2017, Polish Bioinformatics Society conducted the VIII competition for the best doctoral dissertation in bioinformatics . 6 dissertations, defended at Polish research institutions, were submitted and evaluated by the review panel. The winner has been invited to present a talk in the special Awards Session during the 10th Symposium of the Polish Bioinformatics Society.

  • Best MSc Thesis Award

In the first half of 2017, Polish Bioinformatics Society conducted the IX competition for the best master thesis in bioinformatics . 10 theses, defended at Polish research institutions, were submitted and evaluated by the review panel. Three finalists have been invited to present talks in the special Awards Session during the 10th Symposium of the Polish Bioinformatics Society. The winner will be announced during PTBI Convention that will take place on the first day of the conference.

  • Best Presentation Award

All talks given by young researchers (PhD students and young postdocs) at the X PTBI Symposium take part in annual competition for the best conference presentation. The winner will be announced at the conference banquet.

  • Best Poster Award

All posters presented at the X PTBI Symposium take part in annual competition for the best conference poster. The winner will be announced at the conference banquet.

Awards session

The special session will be devoted to presentations of finalists of PTBI competitions for the best doctoral and master theses. The Awards session is scheduled for Thursday afternoon (session T3). Presenters of this session do not take part in the competition for the best conference presentation.